City Facts:
Population: 9,555,919
Metro Area: Tokyo, 37 million
Tokyo. The core of the world’s largest urban area by both population (37 million people) and economy ($2 trillion). The political capital of Japan and home of humanity’s longest-lasting monarchy. More Michelin stars than Paris and New York combined. The twenty-three special wards which constitute the heart of the city receive a daily influx of over three million commuters, more than the populations of twenty US states and nearly 100 countries. Safe, clean, and livable, Tokyo embodies Japan.
And yet the overwhelming majority of those who live and work in Tokyo have never heard the gospel. Over the centuries the city has been obliterated by fires, earthquakes, and bombings, and each time has risen again, but without tens of thousands of new churches, millions will go to the grave having never heard of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In 2020, Mustard Seed Network launched a gospel-centered church plant here so that Tokyo may one day come to know, love, and glorify the one true God.
Mustard Seed Christian Church - Tokyo
The church in Tokyo was planted in March 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the church gathered online and in person during the first year to proclaim the gospel and teach the church to obey Jesus' commands. By the grace of God, a diverse community has formed in the center of Tokyo as the team continues to adapt to the ministry landscape in the world's largest city post-pandemic. God has been faithful to bring fruit. The church celebrated its first baptism on the second Sunday of gathering, and dozens more have professed faith in Jesus and been baptized. Continue to pray that the church in Tokyo would reach the lost in this great city.
Church Planters
Jay and Caitlin Greer
Chad and Hiroko Farmer
Kyle and Elise McCarthy
Mustard Seed Network is a U.S. 501(c)(3), non-profit organization so all donations are U.S. tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. View our Charitable Giving Policy. To make a donation to the Mustard Seed Network general church planting fund, fill out the form below or send a check to:
Mustard Seed Network
P.O. Box 32
Oronogo, MO 64855