City Facts:
Population: 1,199,369
Metro Area: Hiroshima, 2.0 million
Hiroshima City (Hiroshima), a growing city of over one million people, is Japan’s foremost proponent of world peace. Though the city was once a major military-industrial center, following the devastation of the atomic bomb its economy was reconstructed without a trace of its martial history, and it remains the head of not only its metro area but two surrounding regions. Those regions are home to a diverse group of people speaking several different dialects of Japanese, many of whom have begun to move to Hiroshima thanks to strong job prospects, the convenience of the city, and the nearby natural beauty.
In typical Japanese fashion, residents of Hiroshima harbor little animosity toward Americans, preferring instead in a pursuit of peace and harmony to remember the horrors of war without casting blame. But without greatly increased church-planting efforts, the vast majority of them will end their lives without making peace with God, simply because they have never heard of him. Mustard Seed Network plans to plant a gospel-centered church in Hiroshima so its millions may be reconciled to God through the work of Jesus Christ.
Mustard Seed Christian Church - Hiroshima
Planted April 2023
Mustard Seed Christian Church Hiroshima began meetings on April 2nd, 2023. The church now gathers in its office space close to the Peace Park downtown. Several regular outreach and discipleship events happen each week.
Hiroshima highly values peace. Please pray for this church plant to continue proclaiming the gospel to many who don’t yet trust the Prince of Peace. Please pray that the church would grow through people repenting of sin, counting the cost and joyfully deciding to follow Jesus.
Church Planters
Michael and Yumi Creed
Shutaro and Caitlyn Sugawara
Ian and Gabi McCollum
Mustard Seed Network is a U.S. 501(c)(3), non-profit organization so all donations are U.S. tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. View our Charitable Giving Policy. To make a donation to the Mustard Seed Network general church planting fund, fill out the form below or send a check to:
Mustard Seed Network
P.O. Box 32
Oronogo, MO 64855